My name is Axel Boldt and I teach mathematics at Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, Minnesota. In addition to mathematics, I'm interested in molecular biology, theoretical computer science, physics, astronomy, free software, (political) philosophy, chess, and many other things. My home page is at
Since I believe that "intellectual property rights" do not exist (as we mere mortals cannot arrogate the right to own parts of Plato's eternal heaven of ideas), every word I write is by default, and always, in the public domain.
Abelian group -- Adjacency matrix -- Adjoint functors -- Adjugate -- Algebraic function field -- Algebraic geometry -- Algebraic structure -- Algebraically compact module -- Antiderivative -- Archimedian spiral -- Associative algebra -- Baire category theorem -- Banach space -- Banach-Tarski paradox -- Beatty's theorem -- Bernoulli inequality -- Binomial coefficient -- Binomial theorem -- Bolyai-Gerwien theorem -- Boolean algebra -- Boolean ring -- Borel algebra -- Braid group -- Cartesian closed category -- Catalan number -- Catalan's constant -- Category of abelian groups -- Category of sets -- Category of topological spaces -- Category theory -- Cauchy integral theorem -- Cauchy-Binet formula -- Cauchy's integral formula -- Central limit theorem -- Characteristic polynomial -- Chinese remainder theorem -- Closed set -- Closure operator -- Coalgebra -- Collatz conjecture -- Complex number -- Concrete category -- Conjugacy class -- Conjugate transpose -- Continued fraction -- Continuous Fourier transform -- Convergence of random variables -- Counting measure -- Covering map -- Cubic equation -- De Moivre's formula -- Derived functor -- Determinant -- Direct sum -- Directed set -- Dirichlet character -- Discrete Fourier transform -- Discrete logarithm -- Discrete valuation ring -- Discriminant of a polynomial -- Distribution -- Division algebra -- Division ring -- Dual space -- Ehrhart polynomial -- Ellipsoid -- Elliptic curve -- Elliptic function -- Endomorphism ring -- Entire function -- Euler's formula -- Euler's four-square identity -- Euler's identity -- Euler's theorem -- Euler-Maclaurin formula -- Even and odd permutations -- Exact functor -- Expected value -- Exponential function -- Extended Riemann hypothesis -- Extended real number line -- F-space -- Fast Fourier Transform -- Finite field -- Finitely generated abelian group -- First uncountable ordinal -- Fitting lemma -- Floor function -- Formal power series -- Four color theorem -- Fraction (mathematics) -- Fréchet space -- Free group -- Functor category -- Fundamental Theorem of Calculus -- Galois connection -- Gauss-Bonnet theorem -- Gauss-Jordan elimination -- Generalized mean -- Generalized Riemann hypothesis -- Geometric progression -- Greatest common divisor -- Grothendieck category -- Grothendieck topology -- Group action -- Group homomorphism -- Haar measure -- Hahn-Banach theorem -- Harmonic function -- Harmonic mean -- Harmonic series (mathematics) -- Hausdorff dimension -- Hilbert's basis theorem -- Hilbert's Nullstellensatz -- Hölder's inequality -- Hilbert's third problem -- Holomorphic function -- Homology (mathematics) -- Homotopy -- Hopf algebra -- Horner scheme -- Hyperbolic function -- Imaginary number -- Incircle and excircles of a triangle -- Indecomposable module -- Independent (probability) -- Initial object -- Injective module -- Inner automorphism -- Integral domain -- Invariance of domain -- Invariant subspace problem -- Invertible matrix -- Isomorphism of categories -- Jacobson radical -- Kadison–Singer problem -- Kleene algebra -- Kleene's recursion theorem -- Klein surface -- König's lemma -- L'Hopital's rule -- Lagrange inversion theorem -- Lambert's W function -- Landau's function -- Laplace's equation -- Lebesgue measure -- Length of a module -- Lie algebra -- Lie group -- Limit (category theory) -- Limit (mathematics) -- Line integral -- Linear congruence theorem -- Linear transformation -- Liouville's theorem -- Lipschitz continuous -- List of mathematical topics -- List of small groups -- List of statements undecidable in ZFC -- Locally compact -- Locally ringed space -- Log-normal distribution -- Logarithmic spiral -- Maximum entropy probability distribution -- Mathematical class -- Mathematics -- Matroid -- Matrix (mathematics) -- Matrix norm -- Max flow min cut theorem -- Measure of non-compactness -- Miller-Rabin primality test -- Minkowski inequality -- Minkowski's theorem -- Minor (graph theory) -- Mitchell's embedding theorem -- Modular arithmetic -- Monster group -- Monty Hall problem -- Nash embedding theorem -- Net -- Newton's method -- Nine lemma -- Normal distribution -- Normal matrix -- Normal number -- Normal space -- Nowhere dense -- Number theory -- Open map -- Open mapping theorem -- Open set -- Order (group theory) -- Order of operations -- Paracompact -- Permanent -- Pi -- Pointless topology -- Pole (complex analysis) -- Polygon -- Polynomial -- Positive definite -- Power series -- Prime ideal -- Prime number theorem -- Primitive root modulo n -- Probability density function -- Probability space -- Product (category theory) -- Product of rings -- Proportional -- Pure submodule -- Quotient ring -- Quotient space -- Rank of a matrix -- Rectifiable curve -- Reflexive space -- Regression toward the mean -- Residue (complex analysis) -- Residue theorem -- Riemannian manifold -- Riemann hypothesis -- Riemann mapping theorem -- Riemann zeta function -- Riesz representation theorem -- Ring homomorphism -- Ring ideal -- Rng -- Root of unity -- Sarkovskii's theorem -- Semi-continuous -- Semidirect product -- Shapley value -- Simple group -- Simple module -- Simply connected -- Singleton -- Slope -- Spectrum of a ring -- Stone-Weierstrass theorem -- Strong measure zero set -- Substitution rule -- Suslin's problem -- Symmedian -- Symmetric matrix -- Symmetry -- Tangent -- Tangent space -- Tarski's circle squaring problem -- Taylor series -- Taylor's theorem -- Tensor -- Theorem of Bolzano-Weierstrass -- Theorem of Heine-Borel -- Tietze extension theorem -- Tilting theory -- Topological group -- Topological ring -- Topos -- Trace of a matrix -- Triangle -- Tychonoff's theorem -- Uniform convergence -- Uniform space -- Uniformly continuous -- Unique factorization domain -- Universal property -- Urysohn universal space -- Urysohn's Lemma -- Vector -- Vector bundle -- Von Neumann regular ring -- Weierstrass-Casorati theorem -- Weierstrass transform -- Whitehead problem -- Yoneda lemma -- Zero divisor -- Zero morphism --