In group theory, a branch of abstract algebra, the Whitehead problem is the following question:
Shelah (1974) proved that Whitehead's problem is undecidable within standard ZFC set theory.
The condition Ext1(A, Z) = 0 can be equivalently formulated as follows: whenever B is an abelian group and f : B → A is a surjective group homomorphism whose kernel is isomorphic to the group of integers Z, then there exists a group homomorphism g : A → B with fg = idA. Abelian groups A satisfying this condition are sometimes called Whitehead groups, so Whitehead's problem asks: is every Whitehead group free?
Caution: The converse of Whitehead's problem, namely that every free abelian group is Whitehead, is a well known group-theoretical fact. Some authors call Whitehead group only a non-free group A satisfying Ext1(A, Z) = 0. Whitehead's problem then asks: do Whitehead groups exist?
Saharon Shelah (1974) showed that, given the canonical ZFC axiom system, the problem is independent of the usual axioms of set theory. More precisely, he showed that:
Since the consistency of ZFC implies the consistency of both of the following:
Whitehead's problem cannot be resolved in ZFC.
J. H. C. Whitehead, motivated by the second Cousin problem, first posed the problem in the 1950s. Stein (1951) answered the question in the affirmative for countable groups. Progress for larger groups was slow, and the problem was considered an important one in algebra for some years.