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piglix.com Privacy Policy

piglix.com Privacy Policy

The following are the piglix.com Privacy Policy declarations for all "Registered Users", "Visitors" and "Advertisers" (herein referred to as "User" - collectively - "Users")

piglix.org declares and and promise to abide by, the following:

1. Email address sharing piglix.com (inlcuding it's associates) will never share or sell your email address or any other contact details with any third party.

2. Email address use You (the "User") must register using an email address that you control or have access to as this will be used in conjunction with your registration to ascertain the validity of your email address. Any email address may only be used one time. In order to process conversion of your piglix.com award points into crypto-currency, piglix.com requires that you provide a valid email address that you control.

3. Personally Identifiable Registration Details In order to enable the conversion of any piglix.com reward points into crypto-currency, you (the "user") must agree to provide accurate identification information about yourself. This information is requested on the Registration Form but is optional (except Username, password and email address). However, if you choose not to provide all the requested information and do not do so accurately and to the best of your knowledge, this may jeopardize your ability to receive crypto-currency in exchange for your piglix.com award points. piglix.com will never share or sell your "Personally Identifiable" Registration Details with any third party.

4. Personally Identifiable Activity and Preferences piglix.com does not intend to track or determine your activities and preferences. piglix.com will never attempt to share or sell any "Personally Identifiable" data that the site might, during standard and normal processes and operations, be able to deduce regarding your activities and preferences.
