The following list in mathematics contains the finite groups of small order up to group isomorphism.
(sequence in the OEIS)
Each group is named by their Small Groups library index as Goi, where o is the order of the group, and i is the index of the group within that order.
Common group names:
The notations Zn and Dihn have the advantage that point groups in three dimensions Cn and Dn do not have the same notation. There are more isometry groups than these two, of the same abstract group type.
The notation G × H denotes the direct product of the two groups; Gn denotes the direct product of a group with itself n times. G ⋊ H denotes a semidirect product where H acts on G; this may also depend on the choice of action of H on G
Abelian and simple groups are noted. (For groups of order n < 60, the simple groups are precisely the cyclic groups Zn, for prime n.) The equality sign ("=") denotes isomorphism.
The identity element in the cycle graphs is represented by the black circle. The lowest order for which the cycle graph does not uniquely represent a group is order 16.