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2014 Iraq conflict

Iraqi Civil War (2014–present)
Part of the Arab Winter and the spillover of the Syrian Civil War
Iraq war map.png
Military situation in Iraq on 24 March 2017
  Controlled by the Iraqi Government and/or Shi'ite militias
  Controlled by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
  Controlled by the Kurdistan Regional Government
For a map of the current military situation of Iraqi insurgency, see .
Date 1 January 2014 – present
(3 years, 3 months)
Location Iraq
  • ISIL forces seize at least 70% of Anbar province, including the cities of Fallujah,Al Qaim,Abu Ghraib and half of Ramadi during the Anbar campaign
  • Tikrit, Mosul and most of the Nineveh province, along with parts of Salahuddin, Kirkuk and Diyala provinces, seized by insurgent forces in the June 2014 offensive
  • ISIL captures Sinjar and a number of other towns in the August 2014 offensive, but Sinjar becomes a contested city in December 2014
  • ISF expel ISIL from Diyala in February 2015, and recapture Tikrit in April 2015
  • ISIL fully captures Ramadi in May 2015, leaving them in control of 90% of Anbar
  • Peshmerga recapture Sinjar in November 2015, and ISF recapture Ramadi in February 2016, Hīt in April 2016 and Fallujah in June 2016
Main belligerents

Republic of Iraq


Iraqi Kurdistan

Sinjar Alliance
Assyrian forces

 United States
 United Kingdom
 Canada (2014–15)
 Syria (2014)

Iraqi Turkmen Front

 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Commanders and leaders

Haider Al-Abadi (2014–present)
Fuad Masum (2014–present)
Nouri al-Maliki (2014–2015)
Babaker Shawkat B. Zebari (2014–2015)
Ahmad Abu Risha (2014–present)

Muqtada al-Sadr
Qais al-Khazali
Akram al-Kabi
Shiism arabic blue.svgAbu Mustafa al-Sheibani
Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis
Wathiq al-Battat (POW)

Massoud Barzani

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
(Leader of ISIL)
Abu Fatima al-Jaheishi
(Deputy leader in Iraq)


Iraqi Security Forces
600,000 (300,000 Army and 300,000 Police)
Awakening Council militias - 30,000
Contractors ~7,000
US Forces: 5,000
Canadian Forces: 600
French Forces: 500
British Forces: 500

Popular Mobilization Forces: 60,000-90,000

  • Badr Brigade: 10,000
  • Turkmen Brigades: 30,000

Peshmerga: 200,000

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant:

  • 30,000–100,000 fighters

Ba'ath Party Loyalists

Casualties and losses

Iraqi security forces and militias:
16,457 killed and 13,399 wounded

Peshmerga fighters:
1,668 killed, 9,725 wounded and 60 missing or captured

IRGC militia:
38 killed


  • 39 killed (30 non-hostile), 34 wounded
  • 1 killed (non-hostile)
  • 1 killed
  • 1 dead
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ISIL fighters:
22,632+ killed and 5,841 captured

18,802 civilians killed and 36,245 wounded
(UN figures, January 2014 – October 2015)
37,497 civilians killed
(Iraq body count figures, January 2014 – February 2016)
4,525,968 displaced (IOM Iraq figures, January 2014 – February 2017)

Total deaths: 53,361–72,056
(as of February 2016)
a Numbers include Peshmerga killed and wounded, and do not include ISF killed and wounded in the Al Anbar Governorate

Republic of Iraq


Iraqi Kurdistan

Sinjar Alliance
Assyrian forces

