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Dutch colonialism

Dutch Empire
Flag of Dutch Empire
An anachronous map of the Dutch colonial Empire. Light green: territories administered by or originating from territories administered by the Dutch East India Company Dark green: territories administered by or originating from territories administered by the Dutch West India Company. Tiny orange squares indicate smaller trading posts, the so-called handelsposten.
An anachronous map of the Dutch colonial Empire.

Light green: territories administered by or originating from territories administered by the Dutch East India Company
Dark green: territories administered by or originating from territories administered by the Dutch West India Company.

Tiny orange squares indicate smaller trading posts, the so-called handelsposten.

28 countries


 Ivory Coast
 French Guiana
 United States
 South Africa
 Sri Lanka

Trading Posts:

 São Tomé and Príncipe

Light green: territories administered by or originating from territories administered by the Dutch East India Company
Dark green: territories administered by or originating from territories administered by the Dutch West India Company.

28 countries


 Ivory Coast
 French Guiana
 United States
 South Africa
 Sri Lanka

