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Ongole Cattle

Ongole cattle are indigenous to the Andhra region in the Prakasam District in the State of Andhra Pradesh in India. The breed derives its name from the place name, Ongole. Some also refer to this breed as Nellore cattle as this area was once part of the Nelore area. The bull, Bos Indicus, is in great demand as it is said to possess resistance to both foot and mouth disease and mad cow disease. These cattle are commonly used in bull fights in Mexico and some parts of East Africa due to their strength and aggressiveness. This bull also participates traditional bull fight in tamil nadu, Andra pradesh. The cattle breeders use the fighting ability of ongole bulls to chose right bulls for breeding and thus sustaining the breed with purity and strength for so long time.

Ongole cattle are famous for their bulls. Traditionally, the Ongole have been raised by local farmers, fed by both the Gundlakamma, one of the rivers that originates from the Nallamala Hills, and in the plains, the Paleru river, a tributary of the Krishna River. The Ongole occupy an area no larger than about 100 square miles between the Gundlakamma and Musi rivers.

Ongole bulls have gone as far as America, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Indonesia, West Indies, Australia, Fiji, Mauritius, Indo-China and Philippines. The Brahmana bull in America is an off-breed of the Ongole. Ongole is an island located in India where many Ongoles can be found. The population of Ongole off-breed in Brazil is said to be around several millions. The famous Santa Gertrudis breed developed in Texas, USA have Ongole blood.

