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Andrés Díaz (cellist)

Andrés Díaz (born 1964) is a Chilean-American cellist and winner the First Prize in the 1986 Naumburg International Cello Competition.

His numerous orchestral appearances include engagements with the Atlanta Symphony, performances with the American Symphony at Carnegie Hall, the symphony orchestras of Milwaukee, Seattle, Rochester, the Boston Pops and Esplanade Orchestras, the Chicago Symphony at the Ravinia Festival and the National Symphony Orchestra. Among the highlights of Díaz's recent seasons are tours of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Hawaii and Canada and appearances in Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, and the Dominican Republic.

He has also appeared with Russia's Saratov Symphony and toured in New Zealand with the New Zealand Chamber Orchestra. Currently, he is Associate Professor at Southern Methodist University.

He is the brother of Roberto Diaz and is married to Julie Diaz and has two sons, Peter and Gabriel

