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Djamaluddin Adinegoro

Djamaluddin Adinegoro (14 August 1904 – 8 January 1967) was an Indonesian press pioneer. He is known as a reporter, writer, and political analyst. Through his writing in various newspapers, Adinegoro has made a great contribution in developing journalism and the Indonesian language. His name was immortalized as a journalism award in Indonesia: the Adinegoro Award. Djamaluddin was a younger half-brother of Muhammad Yamin.

"Adinegoro" is a "nom de plume". He was born Achmad Djamaluddin. Later in life he was awarded the title Datuk Maradjo Sutan by his matrilineal clan in Minangkabau.

Djamaluddin was born on August 14, 1904, in Talawi, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. His father Tuanku Oesman Gelar Bagindo Khatib was a "penghulu andiko" or "regent" of Indrapura. Coming from a ruling family, Djamaluddin had the privilege to be educated in Dutch schools. After graduating from the Europeesche Lagere School (ELS), Djamaluddin and his brother Muhammad Yaman continued their study in Hollands Indische School (HIS) in Palembang.

Then he moved to Batavia to study in the medical school: School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen (STOVIA). After studying he spent his spare time to read and write many articles for the Tjahaja Hindia magazine. As suggested by Landjumin Datuk Tumenggung, who runs the magazine, Djamaluddin used Adinegoro as his pseudonym in his writings. Because of his great interest in becoming a reporter, Adinegoro left STOVIA and traveled to Europe to study journalism.

During his stay in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Adinegoro had the opportunity to work as a voluntary assistant for several newspapers. After that he moved to Berlin, Munich, and Warzburg to study journalism, geography, cartography, and philosophy. From Germany, Adinegoro visited the Balkan countries, Southeast Europe, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Egypt, Abyssinia and India that gave him ideas to write.

