Designer(s) | Jennifer Wick, John Wick, Kevin Wilson |
Publisher(s) | John Wick Presents, Alderac Entertainment Group |
Publication date | 1999 |
Genre(s) | Swashbuckling, sorcery |
System(s) | Roll-and-Keep system, later d20 System |
7th Sea is a "swashbuckling and sorcery"-themed tabletop role-playing game (RPG) set in the fictional world of Théah. The setting also inspired a collectible card game.
In 2000, 7th Sea won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game of 1999. The card game was discontinued in 2005, and the role-playing game subsequently went out of print.
In 2001, Studio G published two comic books: "7th Sea – Absolution" and "7th Sea: Prelude to Ruin".
In 2015, Alderac Entertainment Group announced they had entered into a deal with John Wick Presents, effectively transferring the publication rights for the 7th Sea to John Wick. AEG will still retain limited rights to publish undisclosed products. Wick successfully crowd-funded the campaign the second edition of the game on Kickstarter in March 13, 2016.
The 7th Sea RPG is set in a world that draws direct influence from the literature of 17th century Europe. Each country in the world can be compared to a European kingdom but is an exaggerated representation. Sorcery is a large part of the world with many types available to players. The dominant religion in the world, the belief in Theus and his prophets, is based on a form of Gnostic Christianity and features a parallel of the Spanish Inquisition. There are also references to the Knights Templars, Masons and the Invisible College of scientists.
All major European powers have their representations in Théah. Avalon (England), Castille (Spain), Montaigne (France), Eisen (Germany), Ussura (Russia), Vendel/Vestenmanavnjar (Netherlands / Scandinavia) and Vodacce (Italy) are the main cultures of the game. There is also Inismore (Ireland), Highland Marches (Scotland), the Crescent Empire (Ottoman / Arab), Midnight Archipelago (Caribbean and North Africa) and the secretive Cathay (China / Korea / Tibet).