Joel Bergvall is a Swedish-born filmmaker known for his Academy Award nomination for the short film Victor (1999), the thriller The Invisible (a.k.a. Den Osynlige, 2002) and screenplay adaption of Tunnels, the British novel series by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams.
Born in March 1973, Bergvall grew up in the suburbs of . His formal education included the film program at Södra Latin Gymnasium in Stockholm, Sweden, as well as Kulturama’s program for film studies, also in Stockholm.
Bergvall got his start in television news and documentary work, working professionally as a cinematographer and editor even before graduating high school. After freelancing for local and national TV networks, he transitioned to international work as a documentary filmmaker and producer in the 1990s, working on assignment from numerous European networks in Israel, the Palestinian territories, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia, and other hotspots.
Bergvall followed this documentary stint with more scripted television work, winning numerous awards for writing, cinematography, editing, and overall production in the corporate and commercial world, most notably through the Golden Slate Awards (a.k.a. Guldklappan).