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The Jerrahi (Turkish: Cerrahiyye, Cerrahilik) are a Sufi tariqah (order) derived from the Halveti order. Their founder is Hazreti Pîr Muhammad Nureddin al-Jerrahi (1678-1720), who lived in Istanbul and is buried at the site of his tekke in Karagumruk, Istanbul. During the late Ottoman period, this Order was widespread throughout the Balkans, particularly Macedonia and southern Greece (Morea).

The Halveti-Jerrahi Order of Dervishes is a cultural, educational, and social relief organization with members from diverse professional, ethnic and national backgrounds.

Muhammad Nureddin (founder of the Order) was a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (sav) both from his mother and father. The path he founded is dedicated to the teachings and traditions, through an unbroken chain of spiritual transmission (silsilah), that go directly back to Prophet Muhammad (Risaletpenâh Hz.)

The head dergah "convention" of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order is in Karagumruk, Istanbul. There are some substations in Turkey and it has branches in some European countries, Australia, South Africa, South America and North America, including Los Angeles, New York, Mexico, San Francisco, Toronto and Chicago.

