The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) is a nonprofit [501c3]science organization founded in 1978 and headquartered in Washington, DC. It is a member organization whose members are primarily food and beverage, agricultural, chemical, and pharmaceutical companies. According to its 2009 annual report, 68% of its revenue comes from member support; 17% from grants and contributions; and the balance from publications, conference registration, and other sources.
ILSI is a global organization with 16 branches that operate at the global, regional, or country-specific level. These include ILSI Argentina; ILSI Brazil; ILSI Europe; ILSI Focal Point in China; the ILSI Health & Environmental Sciences Institute; ILSI-India; ILSI Japan; ILSI Korea; ILSI Mexico; ILSI North Africa and Gulf Region; ILSI North America; ILSI North Andean; ILSI South Africa; ILSI South Andean; ILSI Southeast Asia Region; and ILSI Taiwan.
It also includes the ILSI Research Foundation, which, unlike the branches, does not have members.
According to ILSI’s bylaws, 51% of its Board of Trustees must come from the public sector, primarily universities and agri/food companies such as Monsanto, Nestle and Coca-Cola [board of trustees, ILSI 2015 annual report]. The balance of trustees is elected from its membership.
According to its website, ILSI’s mission is to “improve public health and well-being by engaging academic, government, and industry scientists in a neutral forum to advance scientific understanding in the areas related to nutrition, food safety, risk assessment, and the environment.” It further identifies “Four Global Issues” of specific interest which are: biotechnology; functional foods; obesity; and risk assessment. ILSI conducts original research, publishes research, and organizes scientific conferences to achieve its mission.