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D-Rev is a non-profit product development company headquartered in San Francisco, California.

D-Rev’s products include the ReMotion Knee, a polycentric prosthetic knee for above-the-knee amputees, and Brilliance, a phototherapy device for treating neonatal jaundice. D-Rev is currently working in or has worked in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Nigeria, Botswana, Senegal, South Africa, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Fiji, Indonesia, and Iraq.

D-Rev is a 501(c)(3) organization that researches, designs, and develops products and then works with in-country partners such as Phoenix Medical Systems and Puspadi Bali to deliver products.

D-Rev designs products for extreme affordability and global access. D-Rev operates on the thesis that selling products is more effective at increasing the health and economic impact on patients relative to donating them. The organization uses design thinking to reduce product costs, increase usability across a wide range of scenarios, and create sustainable sales channels.

D-Rev products are purchased by buyers directly, such as ministries of health, clinics, doctors, or hospitals. Philanthropic donations to D-Rev facilitate product design, field work, supply chain and distribution planning, R&D, product marketing, and operations costs.

