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Trần Thánh Tông

Trần Thánh Tông
Emperor of Đại Việt
Emperor of Trần dynasty
Reign 1258–1278
Predecessor Trần Thái Tông
Successor Trần Nhân Tông
Retired Emperor of Trần dynasty
Reign 1279–1290
Predecessor Trần Thái Tông
Successor Trần Nhân Tông
Born 12 October 1240
Thăng Long, Đại Việt
Died 3 July 1290
Thăng Long, Đại Việt
Burial Dụ Lăng
Spouse Empress Thiên Cảm Trần Thị Thiều
Issue Crown prince Trần Khâm
Prince Tá Thiên Trần Đức Việp
Princess Thiên Thụy
Full name
Trần Hoảng (陳晃)
Era dates
Thiệu Long (紹隆, 1258–1272)
Bảo Phù (寶符, 1273–1278)
Posthumous name
Huyền công thịnh đức nhân minh văn vũ tuyên hiếu hoàng đế
Temple name
Thánh Tông (聖宗)
House Trần dynasty
Father Trần Thái Tông
Mother Empress Thuận Thiên
Religion Buddhism
Full name
Trần Hoảng (陳晃)
Era dates
Thiệu Long (紹隆, 1258–1272)
Bảo Phù (寶符, 1273–1278)
Posthumous name
Huyền công thịnh đức nhân minh văn vũ tuyên hiếu hoàng đế
Temple name
Thánh Tông (聖宗)

Trần Thánh Tông (12 October 1240–3 July 1290), given name Trần Hoảng (), was the second emperor of the Trần dynasty, reigning over Đại Việt from 1258 to 1278. After ceding the throne to his son Trần Nhân Tông, Thánh Tông held the title Retired Emperor (Vietnamese: Thái thượng hoàng) from 1279 to his death in 1290. During the second and the third Mongol invasions of Đại Việt, the Retired Emperor Thánh Tông and the Emperor Nhân Tông were credited as the supreme commanders who led the Trần dynasty to the final victories and as a result established a long period of peace and prosperity over the country. With his successful ruling in both military and civil matters, Trần Thánh Tông was considered as one of the greatest emperors of not only the Trần dynasty but also the whole dynastic era in the History of Vietnam.

Thánh Tông was born on September 25 of the lunar calendar 1240 as Trần Hoảng, the second prince but the first natural son of the Emperor Trần Thái Tông and Empress Consort Thuận Thiên. He had a half-brother on the mother's side, Prince Tĩnh Quốc (Vietnamese: Tĩnh Quốc đại vương) Trần Quốc Khang, who was born after the forced marriage by Trần Thủ Độ between the Emperor Nhân Tông and Princess Thuận Thiên. In fact, although being Thái Tông's first prince, Trần Quốc Khang was the son of his elder brother Prince Hoài Trần Liễu, therefore officially he was not chosen by Thái Tông as the heir, a position which ultimately belonged to prince Trần Hoảng. Besides Prince Tĩnh Quốc, Trần Hoảng had some other younger brothers including Prince Chiêu Minh Trần Quang Khải, who was also given birth by Empress Thuận Thiên, Prince Chiêu Quốc Trần Ích Tắc or Prince Chiêu Văn Trần Nhật Duật.

