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Trần Quang Khải

Trần Quang Khải
Prince Chiêu Minh
Born 1241
Thăng Long, Đại Việt
Died 1294
Thăng Long, Đại Việt
House Trần Dynasty
Father Trần Thái Tông
Mother Queen Thuận Thiên
Trần Quang Khải
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese Trần Quang Khải

Prince Chiêu Minh Trần Quang Khải (1241–1294) was the third son of Trần Thái Tông, first emperor of the Trần Dynasty of Vietnam. Being the younger brother of the Emperor Trần Thánh Tông and holding the position of grand chancellor of the Trần Dynasty for many years, Trần Quang Khải was one of the most important figures of the Trần family and the royal court during the reigns of emperors Thánh Tông and Nhân Tông. In the second war of resistance against the Mongol invasion, Trần Quang Khải and Trần Hưng Đạo were two key commanders of the Đại Việt army who helped the Emperor defeat the troops of Kublai Khan's son prince Toghan. Besides his military and administrative activities, Prince Chiêu Minh was also a famous poet and was credited as the creator of the dance of flowers. Today, Trần Quang Khải is still considered as one of the most famous historical figures of the Trần Dynasty and is worshiped in several temples in Vietnam.

Prince Chiêu Minh (Vietnamese: Chiêu Minh vương) Trần Quang Khải was born in 1241 as the third son of the Emperor Trần Thái Tông and the Queen Thuận Thiên. Besides his elder brother the Emperor Trần Thánh Tông, Trần Quang Khải had two other famous younger brothers, Prince Chiêu Quốc (Chiêu Quốc vương) Trần Ích Tắc who was broadly known not only for his intelligence but also for his notorious defection to the Yuan Dynasty side during the second Mongol invasion of Đại Việt and Prince Chiêu Văn (Chiêu Văn vương) Trần Nhật Duật who fought side by side with him in the war against the Yuan Dynasty.

