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Trần Nhật Duật

Trần Nhật Duật
Prince Chiêu Văn
Born 1255
Thăng Long, Đại Việt
Died 1330
Thăng Long, Đại Việt
House Trần Dynasty
Father Trần Thái Tông

Prince Chiêu Văn Trần Nhật Duật (1255–1330) was the sixth prince of Trần Thái Tông, first emperor of Trần Dynasty. Being younger brother of the Emperor Trần Thánh Tông, Trần Nhật Duật was one of the most important figures of Trần family and royal court during the reigns of four successive emperors Thánh Tông, Nhân Tông, Anh Tông and Minh Tông. In the second war of resistance against Mongol invasion, Trần Nhật Duật was the general who commanded Đại Việt army to defeat the navy of Mongol general Sogetu in Battle of Hàm Tử, one of the biggest victories of Trần Dynasty. With his knowledge of numerous foreign languages and cultures, Prince Chiêu Văn was also a prominent diplomat of Trần Dynasty who helped the Emperor to maintain good relations with several ethnic groups in the northwestern region of Đại Việt.

Trần Nhật Duật was born in 1255 as the sixth son of the Emperor Trần Thái Tông. According to Đại Việt sử kí toàn thư, Trần Nhật Duật was born with four characters "Chiêu Văn đồng tử" ("pupil of Chiêu Văn") in his arm, that's why he was entitled Prince Chiêu Văn (Vietnamese: Chiêu Văn vương) in 1268. Besides the Emperor Trần Thánh Tông, Trần Nhật Duật had two other famous elder brothers, Prince Chiêu Minh (Chiêu Minh vương) Trần Quang Khải who was grand chancellor of royal court and Prince Chiêu Quốc (Chiêu Quốc vương) Trần Ích Tắc who was broadly known not only for his intelligence but also for his notorious defection to Yuan side during the second Mongol invasion of Đại Việt.

