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Tibouchina semidecandra.jpg
Tibouchina semidecandra at Strybing Arboretum, San Francisco
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Myrtales
Family: Melastomataceae
Genus: Tibouchina
Type species
Tibouchina aspera Aubl.

About 240


Lasiandra DC. Chaetogastra DC. Oreocosmus Naudin

About 240

Lasiandra DC. Chaetogastra DC. Oreocosmus Naudin

Tibouchina /ˌtɪbˈknə/ Aubl. is a Neotropical flowering plant genus in Melastomataceae Juss. that contains approximately 240 species. Species of this genus are herbs, shrubs or trees and typically have purple flowers. They are native to Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America where they are found as far south as northern Argentina. Members of this genus are known as glory bushes, glory trees or princess flowers. The name Tibouchina is adapted from a Guianan indigenous name for a member of this genus [2]. A recent systematic study has shown that this genus is paraphyletic.

Members of Tibouchina sensu lato are diagnosed by a number of traits including pentamerous flowers with anthers having developed pedoconnectives (the connective tissue below the anther locules) and anther appendages that are ventrally bi-lobed. These traits are likely plesiomorphic in the core Melastomeae. The magenta or purple flowers are often showy, and the stamens may be dimorphic.

All 240 species of Tibouchina s.l. are native to the New World, with a large proportion found in Brazil. Many species of Tibouchina s.l. are found in the Mata Atlantica in eastern Brazil, while many others are found in the cerrado and campos rupestres. Members of Tibouchina sensu stricto tend to be found in lowland savannas and on the lower slopes of the Andes. All Tibouchina species are considered noxious weeds in Hawaii because of their high potential for being invasive species.

