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Surtr (Dungeons & Dragons)

Game background
Title(s) Lord of the Fire Giants
Home plane Ysgard
Power level Intermediate deity
Alignment Lawful evil
Portfolio Fire giants, fire, war
Domains Destruction, Evil, Fire, Law, Purification, Strength, War
Superior Annam
Design details

In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Surtr is the lord of the fire giants. His animal is the hell hound. His symbol is a flaming sword.

In Norse mythology, Surtr (modern Icelandic Surtur, sometimes Anglicized Surt) is the leader of the fire giants in the south, the ruler of Muspelheim, the realm of fire.

Surtr was first detailed in Deities and Demigods (1980).

Surtr was detailed in the 2nd edition AD&D book Legends & Lore (1992), including details about his priesthood. His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996). His role in the giant pantheon of the Forgotten Realms setting is detailed in Giantcraft (1995).

Surtr was described briefly in Defenders of the Faith (2000). He was detailed in the third edition version of Deities and Demigods (2002). His priesthood is detailed for 3rd edition in Complete Divine (2004).

Surtr looks like an immensely large fire giant with crackling flames for hair and eyebrows. He wears armor of blazingly hot iron and wields a flaming iron sword 15 feet in length.

Surtr, a son of Annam, is part of the second generation of giantish deities, born at about the same time as Skoraeus Stonebones and Thrym. While Surtr's cult is similar to that of Thrym's, fire and ice do not mix. Other gods in the giantish pantheon include Stronmaus, Hiatea, Grolantor, Karontor, Iallanis, Memnor, Vaprak, and Diancastra.

