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A sunroom, also frequently and traditionally denominated a solarium and sometimes a "Florida room", "garden conservatory", "garden room", "patio room", "sun parlor", "sun porch", or "winter garden", is a room that is built, either attached to, or integrated into, the primary building, such as a residence or office, that permits abundant sunlight and views of the landscape while sheltering from adverse weather. "Sunroom" and "solarium" have the same denotation: "solarium" is Latin for "place of sun[light]". Solaria of various forms have been erected throughout European history. Presently, the sunroom or solarium is popular in Europe, Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Sunrooms may feature passive solar building design to heat and illuminate them.

In Great Britain, which has a long history of formal conservatories, a small conservatory is sometimes denominated a "sunroom".

An attached sunroom is either erected during construction of the building to which it will be attached or, is a later addition. Attached sunrooms typically are constructed of transparent tempered glazing atop a brick or wood "knee wall" or framed entirely of wood, aluminum, or PVC, and glazed on all sides. Frosted glass or breeze block may be used to add privacy. Screens are a fundamental aspect of a "Florida room", with jalousie windows often having been featured. An integrated sunroom is specifically designed with many windows and climate controls.

A solarium is typically distinguished from a sunroom by the former being specifically and primarily designed to collect sunlight for warmth and light as opposed to being primarily designed to feature scenic views, and by being composed of walls, save one, and a roof that are entirely of framed glass. These typically are erected in higher latitude (low angle of sunlight) or cold (higher altitude) locations. In contrast, a sunroom sensu stricto has an opaque roof.

