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Subahdar (Urdu: صوبہ دار‎) (also known as Nazim or in English as a "Subah") was one of the designations of a governor of a Subah (province) during the Mughal era of India who was alternately designated as Sahib-i-Subah or Nazim. The word, Subahdar is of Persian origin

The Subahdar was the head of the Mughal provincial administration. He was assisted by the provincial Diwan, Bakshi, Faujdar, Kotwal, Qazi, Sadr, Waqa-i-Navis, Qanungo and Patwari. The Subahdars were normally appointed from the Mughal princes or the officers holding the highest mansabs (ranks).

A nazim (pronounced [ˈnaːzɪm], Urdu: ناظم‎; from the Arabic word for "organizer" or "convenor") (similar to mayor) is the coordinator of cities and towns in Pakistan. Nazim is the title in Urdu of the chief elected official of a local government in Pakistan, such as a district, tehsil, union council, or village council. Likewise, a deputy mayor is known as a Naib nazim (نائب ناظم). The word naib in Urdu literally means "assistant" or "deputy" hence Naib nazim is similar in function to a deputy mayor. He is also custodian of the house.

