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List of U.S. political families

During its history, the United States has seen many families who have repeatedly produced notable politicians from their ranks, and these historic U.S. political families have had a significant impact on politics in the United States and the Americas.

Many of these families have moved to national prominence from a state or regional power base. The Long family, for example, is identified with Louisiana, the Harrisons and Lees with Virginia, the Roosevelts with New York, the Daleys with Illinois and more specifically Chicago, the Muhlenbergs with Pennsylvania, and the Tafts with Ohio.

Other political families are less connected with a specific state. For example, the Bush family entered politics in Ohio and Connecticut, but is now more closely identified with Texas and Florida. Members of the Rockefeller family have been elected in New York, West Virginia, and Arkansas. Kennedy family members have been elected in New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, and California, in addition to their primary base of Massachusetts. The Udall family first became prominent in Arizona but the most recent generation had three cousins simultaneously serving in the U.S. Senate from Colorado, New Mexico, and Oregon. The Clinton family moved quickly from Arkansas to national politics, with both Bill and Hillary elected to positions in the federal government.

