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Golden Village (Richmond, British Columbia)

Cambie is a commercial district of Richmond, British Columbia, Canada best known for its high concentration of Asian-themed shopping malls. It is the home to the second-largest Asian community in North America.

Richmond's population is up to 60 percent Asian-Canadian. Richmond is sometimes seen as the "new Chinatown" of Greater Vancouver and Golden Village is often blamed for luring many Chinese away from Vancouver's Chinatown. While Chinatown is often viewed as a lower income area, bordering Vancouver's notorious Downtown Eastside, Richmond is largely an affluent suburb.

Golden Village's approximate borders are Sea Island Way to the north, Garden City Road to the east, Alderbridge Way to the south and about 300 metres west of No. 3 Road to the west. It is considered part of the city's main commercial district, extended from its original area around Richmond Centre.

Aberdeen Centre is the largest of the many Asian-themed malls in the Golden Village. When the original Aberdeen was built, it was one of the first Asian malls in Richmond. As the Asian population grew, it became too small and was rebuilt around 2002. It primarily serves Chinese-Canadians from Hong Kong but has since diversified to include Mainland Chinese and, with the opening of the discount store Daiso, Japanese customers as well.

President Plaza is a mall primarily built to serve the Taiwanese population. It is most notable for its large hotel complex, owned and operated by Radisson Hotels. It is home to T & T Supermarket , which closed in 2015, which is based in the city, and a Buddhist temple operated by Taiwan's Fo Guang Shan.

