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European League for Economic Cooperation

The European League for Economic Cooperation or ELEC (French: Ligue Européenne de Coopération Economique, LECE) is an independent political advocacy group which advocates for closer European integration.

Established in 1946, ELEC was one of the founding members of the European Movement in 1948. It is built as a federation of national sections present in a number of European countries. The membership of its national sections is drawn largely from economic and financial circles; but it also maintains close contacts with senior national and European civil servants as well as academics and policy makers, whose expertise and influence stimulate the exchanges and broaden their scope and quality.

ELEC has advisory status at the Council of Europe and on the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

The European League for Economic Cooperation was founded in 1946 by Paul Van Zeeland (Belgium), Józef Retinger (Poland) and Pieter Kerstens (the Netherlands). They were rapidly joined by other people such as Edmond Giscard d'Estaing (France), Harold Butler (United Kingdom) and Hermann Abs (Germany).

It has never been a mass movement, although it was present at The Hague in 1948 among the founding organisations of the European Movement.

Open to all ELEC members, there are several working commissions covering various areas of economic activity and cooperation in Europe such as Economic & Social, Mediterranean and Monetary. It is in the commissions that ELEC's essential research is carried out, as well as the drafting of position papers that give rise to various publications. They frequently call on external experts to present the issues which they examine. The Monetary and the Mediterranean commissions organize from time to time conferences, which are open to a larger public, including non-ELEC members.

