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Energy in Portugal

Energy in Portugal describes energy and electricity production, consumption and import in Portugal. Energy policy of Portugal will describe the politics of Portugal related to energy more in detail. Electricity sector in Portugal is the main article of electricity in Portugal.

2012R = CO2 calculation criteria changed, numbers updated

Sines power plant (hard coal) started operation in 1985-1989 in Portugal. According to WWF its CO2 emissions were among the top dirty ones in Portugal in 2007.

Maghreb–Europe Gas Pipeline (MEG) is a natural gas pipeline, from Algeria through Morocco to Andalusia, Spain,

EU directive has a binding 31% target of renewables up from 20.5% in 2005. According to the Portuguese National Renewable Energy Action Plan by 2020 electricity will be produced: wind power 23% 14.6 TWh, of which 99% onshore, hydro power 22% 14.1 TWh, biomass 5% 3.52 TWh and photovoltaic solar power 2% 1.5 TWh and concentrated solar power 2% 1 TWh.

Portugal has surported and increased the solar electricity (Photovoltaic power) and solar thermal energy (solar heating) during 2006-2010. Portugal was 9th in solar heating in the EU and 8th in solar power based on total volume in 2010.

