David Schweickart (born 1942) is an American mathematician and philosopher. He holds a BS in Mathematics from University of Dayton, a PhD in Mathematics from University of Virginia, and a PhD in Philosophy from Ohio State University. He currently is Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University Chicago.
He has taught at Loyola since 1975. He was a visiting professor of mathematics at the University of Kentucky from 1969 to 1970, and a visiting professor of philosophy at the University of New Hampshire from 1986 to 1987. He has also lectured in Spain, Cuba, El Salvador, Italy, and the Czech Republic, as well as throughout the United States. In 1999, Schweickart was named Faculty Member of the Year at Loyola University Chicago.
He is an editor and contributing writer to SolidarityEconomy.net, an online journal dedicated to economic democracy.
In After Capitalism and other works, Schweickart has developed the model of market socialism he refers to as "economic democracy". In his own words "Economic Democracy is a market economy." It embodies several key ideas: