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Cadastral municipality

A cadastral community or cadastral municipality, is a cadastral subdivision of municipalities in the nations of Austria,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic,Serbia, Slovakia, the Italian provinces of South Tyrol, Trentino, Gorizia and Trieste, Slovenia, and the Netherlands. A cadastral community records property ownership in a cadastre, which is a register describing property ownership by boundary lines of the real estate.

The common etymology in the Central European successor states of the Habsburg Monarchy comes from German: Katastralgemeinde (KG), plural: Katastralgemeinden, translated as Italian: comune censuario or comune catastale, Slovene: katastralna občina, Croatian: katastarska općina, Slovak: katastrálne územia and Czech: katastrální území ("cadastral territories", "cadastral areas").

In 1764, at the behest of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, a complete survey of the Habsburg lands was begun, initiated by the general staff of the Imperial and Royal Army under Field Marshal Count Leopold Joseph von Daun, who had become aware of the lack of reliable maps in the Seven Years' War. Maria Theresa's son Emperor Joseph II ordered the implication of a complete urbarium for property tax purposes in 1785. The present-day cadastre was completed after the Napoleonic Wars from 1817 onwards under Emperor Francis I of Austria (Franziszeischer Kataster). Since then, the Austrian (i.e. Cisleithanian) crown lands were subdivided in Katastralgemeinden; surveying in the Hungarian (Transleithanian) lands started in 1850. Municipalities as administrative subdivisions with certain rights of self-governance were not established until after the 1848 revolutions.

