Al-Istibsar (Al-Istibsar fi ma ukhtulif fihi min al-akhbar) (Arabic: اَلاِْسْتِبْصار فیما اختلف من الأخبار) is a Hadith collection, by the famous Twelver Shia Hadith scholar Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Hassan Tusi, commonly known as Shaykh Tusi. This work is included among The Four Books of Shia Islam. It includes the same subjects as Tahdhib al-Ahkam but in a shorter form.
Muhammad ibn Tusi, commonly known as Shaykh Tusi, lived during the first half of the 5th century AH. He is the best known jurist and Mujtahid of the Shia. Born in Tus in 385 AH, he lived his early life there. He received primary education in his homeland of Iran, and had higher studies in Baghdad. At the time Baghdad was the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate and a great center of learning. Abbaside rule stretched from Spain and south Arabia to China and from the Mediterranean coast to North Africa. Consequently, Baghdad was a seat of learning and meeting point for scholars and intellectuals from all parts of the world. The greatest personality of this period was Shaykh Mufid who resided in the Shia neighborhood of Karkh in an opulent atmosphere.
Shaykh Tusi taught the teachings of Islam in the presence of the great masters such as Shaykh Mufid, Sharif al-Murtaza,Ibn Ghada’iri, and ibn Abdun.