A Whisper to a Roar is a 2012 American documentary film made by Ben Moses and inspired by the work of Larry Diamond. The film chronicles the fight for democracy in Egypt, Malaysia, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, and includes animated segments narrated by British actor Alfred Molina.
Production of the film began in 2008 when Moses collaborated with Diamond and Diamond's former student Prince Moulay Hicham of Morocco and the team began filming in 2009. According to the film's website, Diamond "invited Moses to attend Stanford's Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law’s annual Draper Hills Summer Fellowship on Democracy and Development Program, where democracy activists around the world gather to received training and support for their work." At the program, Moses also began to gather funds for the project, only to be set back by the financial crisis of 2008. However, Prince Moulay Hicham agreed to fund the project in full soon after.
Under Diamond's guidance the five countries were selected based on several factors including: the team did not want to include the United States or other western countries because the intended audience was outside of that geographic region; and a desire to focus on democracies in different stages of the process: the student leader, Roberto Patino of Voto Joven in Venezuela; Esraa Ahmed Fattah and Ahmed Maher of Egypt; Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia; Morgan Tsvangarai of Zimbabwe; and Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine. Filming concluded in 2011 with final trips to Egypt following the Arab Spring and to Malaysia to interview former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.