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2nd Spanish Republic

Spanish Republic
República Española
Plus Ultra
Further Beyond
Himno de Riego
Anthem of Riego
Territories and colonies of the Spanish Republic:
Capital Madrid (1931–1936)
Valencia (1936–1937)
Barcelona (1937–1939)
Languages Spanishb
Government Multi-party semi-presidential federal republic
 •  1931–1936 Niceto Alcalá-Zamora
 •  1936–1939 Manuel Azaña
Prime Minister
 •  1931 Niceto Alcalá-Zamora
 •  1937–1939 Juan Negrín López
Legislature Congress of Deputies
Historical era Interwar period
 •  Pronunciamiento 14 April 1931
 •  Constitution adopted 9 December 1931
 •  Spanish Civil War 17 July 1936
 •  Fall of the Republic 1 April 1939
Currency Spanish peseta
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Restoration (Spain)
Francoist Spain
Spanish Republican government in exile
a. Espainiako Errepublika in Basque, República Espanyola in Catalan and República Espanhola or "República Española" in Galician.
b. Catalan, Basque and Galician would gain formal officiality with the approval of the Statute of Autonomy.

The Spanish Republic (officially in Spanish: República Española) and commonly known as the Second Spanish Republic (in Spanish: Segunda República Española) to distinguish it from the previous and short-lived First Spanish Republic (1873–1874), was the democratic republican administration that existed in Spain from 1931 to 1939 (preceded by the Restoration and followed by Fascist / Nationalist Francoist Spain after the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939).

Following the Provisional Government between April and December 1931, the 1931 Constitution established the Republic. The Spanish Republic can be divided in three eras: the First Biennium, the Dark Biennium, and the Popular Front government.

The Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed when King Alfonso XIII left the country following municipal elections where anti-monarchist candidates won the majority of votes. Its government went into exile on 1 April 1939, when the last of the Republican forces surrendered to the rebel nacionales (led in part by Generalissimo Francisco Franco, 1892–1975), ending the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939).

The government in exile of the Second Spanish Republic had an embassy in Mexico City until 1976. After the restoration of democracy in Spain, the government formally dissolved the following year.

On 28 January 1930 the military dictatorship of General Miguel Primo de Rivera (who had been in power since September 1923) was overthrown. This led various republican factions from a wide variety of backgrounds (including old conservatives, socialists and Catalan nationalists) to join forces. The Pact of San Sebastián was the key to the transition from monarchy to republic. Republicans of all tendencies were committed to the Pact of San Sebastian in overthrowing the monarchy and establishing a republic. The restoration of the royal Bourbons was rejected by large sectors of the populace who vehemently opposed the King. The pact, signed by representatives of the main Republican forces, allowed a joint anti-monarchy political campaign. The 12 April 1931 municipal elections led to a landslide victory for republicans. Two days later, the Second Republic was proclaimed, and King Alfonso XIII went into exile. The king's departure led to a provisional government of the young republic under Niceto Alcalá-Zamora. Catholic churches and establishments in cities like Madrid and Sevilla were set ablaze on 11 May. In June 1931 a Constituent Cortes was elected to draft a new constitution, which came into force in December.

