William Lithgow (born around 1585 at Lanark, Scotland; died perhaps in 1645), traveler, writer and alleged spy. He claimed at the end of his various peregrinations to have tramped 36,000 miles on foot.
William Lithgow was the oldest son of the merchant James Lithgow and Alison Graham.
Prior to 1610 he had visited Shetland, Switzerland, and Bohemia. In that year he set out from Paris for Rome on the 7 March, where he remained for four weeks before moving on to other parts of Italy: Naples, Ancona, before moving on to Athens, Constantinople, and others. After a three-month stay in Constantinople, he sailed to other Grecian localities and then on to Palestine, arriving in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday 1612, and later on to Egypt.
His next journey, 1614–16, was in Tunis and Fez; but his last, 1619–21, to Spain, ended unfortunately in his apprehension at Malaga and torture as a spy.
He also visited Crete.