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Souverainism (from the French word "souverainisme", i.e. the ideology of sovereignty) or sovereigntism, is a doctrine which supports acquiring or preserving political independence of a nation or a region. It opposes federalism and can be associated with certain independentist movements.

In Europe, such political movements aim at a Europe of the nations, so that every country could see its independence and differences respected.

Supporters of the doctrine regard themselves as Euro-realists, opposed to the Euro-federalists, and call for a confederal Europe. Souverainism is thus opposed to federalism, and it typically involves nationalism, particularly in France where the parties lean on it.

The souverainiste doctrine is particularly influential in France, where numerous political movements adhere to it:

Parties with tendencies that could be described also as Souverainists can be also found in Greece:

In the Canadian province of Quebec, souverainisme or sovereigntism refers to the Quebec sovereignty movement, which argues for Quebec to separate from Canada and become its own nation. Many leaders in the movement, notably René Lévesque, have preferred the terms sovereignty and sovereigntist over other common names such as separatist or independentist, although this terminology may be objected to by opponents.

