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Simón Bross

Simón Bross
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Born (1960-02-22) February 22, 1960 (age 57)
Occupation director, filmmaker, producer, screenwriter

Simón Bross (born February 22, 1960) is a Mexican director and producer. He is known for being one of the most awarded directors in adversiting of México and Latin America.

As a director in adversiting he has won at world's most important festivals: London International Advertising Awards, New York Festival, FIAP (Spanish: Festival Iberoamericano de Publicidad), Círculo de Oro, Clio Awards, and Cannes Lions.

He is the first (and only) Mexican director to be named member of FIAP's "Hall of fame". Also, Círculo Creativo de México gave him a special tribute for his career in the advertising industry. The Gunn Report (England) ranked him among the world's best advertising film directors. He also won the award Volcán de Oro in the Festival Pantalla de Cristal for his brilliant career achievements (including other mentions).

He also directs and produces for television. He participated as executive producer in "Diario de un cocinero", which won an award for best TV program by the Travel + Leisure magazine. In feature film area he has produced such movies as Who the Hell is Juliette? (Spanish: ¿Quién diablos es Juliette? , Second Century (Spanish: Segundo Siglo ), "Elvira", Carrière 250/Jean Claude Carrière, as well short film. Produces and directs "Bad Habits" and presents in the Cannes Film Festival. After, Morelia Film festival awarded him for his film trajectory. Today he produces and directs fiction films, documentaries, short films, TV series and advertising films.

