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Russian corvette Vityaz (1862)

List of Russian paddle and screw frigates, corvettes and clippers from 1836–1892.

The format is: Name, number of guns (rank/real amount), launch year, fate (BU = broken up). This list includes only non-armoured vessels.

This section contains paddle ships with one opened battery (except Bogatyr) and three or (rarely) two masts. Therefore, they ought to be classified as paddle corvettes or paddle brigs, but all of them (except Amerika) were officially classified as пароходофрегат (parokhodofregat), which means "steamer-frigate."

The only one ship of this type served here.

All of them belonged to the Baltic Fleet in 1848–1892.

Displacement 885 tons.

This type of light seagoing cruisers was invented by Russians. All of them first belonged to the Baltic Fleet and served in 1856–1900s (decade), some were later transferred to the Siberian Flotilla (based on Nikolayevsk, since 1872 — on Vladivostok, since 1898 — on Port Arthur).

Displacement 615 tons.

The "swan song" of outgoing-era sailing fleet:

