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Rapakivi granite

Rapakivi granite is a hornblende-biotite granite containing large rounded crystals of orthoclase each with a rim of oligoclase (a variety of plagioclase). The name has come to be used most frequently as a textural term where it implies plagioclase rims around orthoclase in plutonic rocks. Rapakivi is Finnish for "crumbly rock", because the different heat expansion coefficients of the component minerals make exposed rapakivi crumbly.

Rapakivi was first described by Finnish petrologist Jakob Sederholm in 1891. Since then, southern Finland's rapakivi granite intrusions have been the type locality of this variety of granite.

Rapakivi is a fairly uncommon type of granite, but has been described from localities in North and South America, parts of the Baltic Shield, southern Greenland, Uruguay, southern Africa, India and China. Most of these examples are found within Proterozoic metamorphic belts, although both Archaean and Phanerozoic examples are known.

Best known occurrence range is from Ukraine, through Finland and Scandinavia, southern Greenland to the Labrador peninsula and on through the North American continent to California.

