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RyR domain
Symbol RyR
Pfam PF02026
InterPro IPR003032
TCDB 1.A.3
OPM superfamily 8
OPM protein 5gl0
ryanodine receptor 1 (skeletal)
Symbol RYR1
Alt. symbols MHS, MHS1, CCO
Entrez 6261
HUGO 10483
OMIM 180901
RefSeq NM_000540
UniProt P21817
Other data
Locus Chr. 19 q13.1
ryanodine receptor 2 (cardiac)
Symbol RYR2
Entrez 6262
HUGO 10484
OMIM 180902
RefSeq NM_001035
UniProt Q92736
Other data
Locus Chr. 1 q42.1-q43
ryanodine receptor 3
Symbol RYR3
Entrez 6263
HUGO 10485
OMIM 180903
RefSeq NM_001036
UniProt Q15413
Other data
Locus Chr. 15 q14-q15

Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) form a class of intracellular calcium channels in various forms of excitable animal tissue like muscles and neurons. There are three major isoforms of the ryanodine receptor, which are found in different tissues and participate in different signaling pathways involving calcium release from intracellular organelles. The RYR2 ryanodine receptor isoform is the major cellular mediator of calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) in animal cells.

The ryanodine receptors are named after the plant alkaloid ryanodine, to which they show a high affinity:

There are multiple isoforms of ryanodine receptors:

Ryanodine receptors mediate the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and endoplasmic reticulum, an essential step in muscle contraction. In skeletal muscle, activation of ryanodine receptors occurs via a physical coupling to the dihydropyridine receptor (a voltage dependent L-type calcium channel), whereas, in cardiac muscle, the primary mechanism of activation is calcium-induced calcium release, which causes calcium outflow from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

It has been shown that calcium release from a number of ryanodine receptors in a ryanodine receptor cluster results in a spatiotemporally restricted rise in cytosolic calcium that can be visualised as a calcium spark. Ryanodine receptors are very close to mitochondria and calcium release from RyR has been shown to regulate ATP production in heart and pancreas cells.

