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Państwowa Fabryka Amunicji nr. 2

FŁT-Kraśnik is a which belongs to the Polish Treasury. Its premises are located in Kraśnik, Poland, 50 km south-west of Lublin, near the eastern border of the European Union (EU). The main products of FŁT-Kraśnik are bearings and their components (products and semi-finished products after forging and pressing). FŁT-Kraśnik also manufactures grinding spindles, bearing repair kits, equipment, various tools and machines, and machine tool components along with their design documentation.

FŁT-Kraśnik S.A. was founded in 1938 as Munition Factory number 2, as part of the Central Industrial District. The construction site was situated between the cities of Kraśnik and Urzędów, in a forest covering an area of more than 676 ha. Along with the construction of the factory, workers were recruited and a housing area for six thousand people was established. The housing settlement was named Dąbrowa-Bór. At the start of World War II, 39 housing blocks and six buildings for community use (among others: school, hospital, cinema) had already been completed.

Initially, the factory's production profile covered artillery munition (caliber 37 – 155 mm); the production of detonators was added before the start of the war.

During the war, technical crew and qualified workshop workers were relocated from factories in Radom, Skarżysko, and Warsaw, while laborers were sourced from local youth who were taken on as apprentices.

The first general manager of Munitions Factory number 2 was Professional Engineer Gutkowski and its technical director was Professional Engineer Gokieli.

After the war began, construction work on both the factory and the living area was terminated. On 2 September 1939, the Luftwaffe damaged the railway, along with some production workshops. The occupation of Dąbrowa-Bór began on 15 September, and the factory was taken over by German military forces. The Polish crew managed to evacuate four batches of machines and devices, moving them to Krzemieniec, before the Germans arrived. Assets from Germany never came back.

