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Matthias Brandner

Matthias Brandner
Thomas Ohrner as Matthias Brandner (2009)
Verbotene Liebe character
Portrayed by Thomas Ohrner
First appearance Episode 3084
January 15, 2008
Last appearance Episode 3746
December 14, 2010
Occupation Former construction manager at Brandner Bau
Residence New Zealand

Matthias Brandner is a fictional character from the German soap opera Verbotene Liebe (Forbidden Love) portrayed by actor and entertainer Thomas Ohrner. He made his first appearance on screen on January 15, 2008 and had his final appearance on 14 December 2010.

Matthias comes together with his wife Katja to Düsseldorf, after his cousin Arno Brandner invited them. What only was planned as a short visit, became more, when Matthias found out that his daughter Lydia has a new job in this town. Katja begged him to stay and after his company, what he worked for in his old hometown Flensburg, he agreed to stay and begin a new life. Arno tells them that they can stay as long as they want. The family soon later is joined by Matthias and Katja's youngest son Fabian.

When Matthias loses his job in Flensburg, Arno wants to help his cousin and gives him work at his own construction company 'Brandner Bau'. But then it comes to first tensions between Arno and Matthias when he helps Arno's daughter Susanne to get enough money from his ex-wife Elisabeth to save the company. Arno doesn't want the help of his ex-wife and loses almost his company to Adrian Degenhardt out of pride. But then it is one of Arno's worst enemies, Sebastian von Lahnstein, who is also Lydia's new boyfriend helps him get his company back and fixes also the money problem Arno was in.

Matthias is impressed with Sebastian and thinks that he is the right guy for his daughter. But the young couple has many problems to solve. Matthias' own marriage falls apart when his wife Katja confesses to him that she slept with another man and eventually that she is pregnant. Matthias has problems to deal with all that, but tries to rescue his marriage over and over again. Then he is even willing to accept Katja's unborn child, in case it isn't his. Matthias gets credit from his family for working things with Katja out, when he has the suspicion that the man Katja might have slept with is Lydia's boyfriend Sebastian. But his son Fabian tells him, that this would be insane and that Katja would never do this to Lydia. Matthias thinks Fabian is right and is on a business trip for the next few days. When he comes back, he soon learns that his instinct was right. Katja slept with Sebastian and destroyed with that one-night stand the whole family. Matthias is angry and can't believe that Katja would betray him and Lydia like that. He throws her out of the house with the announcement that he wants a divorce. When David, Matthias' other son, returns from Australia he tries to talk to his parents and get them back together, but their decision seems final.

