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Marching Regiment

A Marching Regiment is a regiment created provisionary, in light of military operations, on the basis of unconventional recruitment.

These recruitments can be operated in three different ways:

Also in existence, are Marching Battalions (French: ) or Marching Squadrons (French: ), and often Marching Brigades regrouping several regiments.

The Marching Units were utilized throughout the course of the 19th century and 20th century in the armies (French: les armées) of France, Austria-Hungary (French: ), Germany (French: ) and Russia (French: ).

In France, in the XIXth century and principally under the First French Empire, the domination of Provisionary Regiment was utilized to designate a regiment created by levies of different regular units or from soldiers remaining the garrisons; in the 20th century however, only the denomination of Marching Regiment was continued to be adopted.

In Germany and in the former German States, as well as in Russia, the denomination utilized was Combined Regiment to designate a regiment created by the levies of different regular units.

The first Marching Regiments appeared during the Napoleonic Wars (French: ). The Spanish War (French: ), particularly was a significant cost in human life, in contrast Napoleon I constituted as of 1808 Marching Regiments destined to compensate these losses.

