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Keillers Park murder

The Keillers Park murder is a famous Swedish criminal case. It started on 23 July 1997, when the body of an unknown man was discovered in a park in the city of Göteborg, in western Sweden. The man, who had been shot twice with a pistol, was identified two days later as Josef ben Meddour (aged 36), a homosexual and Algerian national, who had been living in Sweden for many years.

After many months of investigation, the police were able to apprehend the two murderers. They were named as Jon Nödtveidt (aged 22), the leader of black metal band Dissection, and his friend Vlad (aged 20), an Iranian national settled in Sweden. The two men, who confessed to their crime, were eventually sentenced by a court of appeal to ten years of incarceration.

Nödtveidt and Vlad, who were members of Temple of the Black Light, had on several occasions discussed performing human sacrifices before they murdered Meddour. That the motive was occult-related could not however be clearly established, and the murder was described as a homophobic hate crime by the Swedish police.

On 23 July 1997, at around 4.30 pm, a sixteen-year-old boy discovered the body of a man, lying face down, at the base of an old water tower in Keillers Park, in downtown Göteborg. Called on site, the police determined that the man had been shot twice with a pistol. The first bullet hit him in the back and went right through the heart, while the second was fired to his head as he laid on the ground. A bag and a head cap were recovered beside the body.

No identification was found on the corpse, but a female police officer recognized the man as someone who was often seen in the area of Svingeln square and who, with his curled hair and sunglasses, looked like Swedish singer Magnus Uggla. In the neighbourhood, a shop attendant told the police that the actual name of the victim was Josef and that he was often in the company of a Finnish-looking man. Thanks to this testimony, the police were able to identify Josef ben Meddour, aged 36, an Algerian national. Settled in Sweden for about ten years, Meddour was gay, and the Finnish-looking man was his boyfriend.

