Jerry McGeorge (born October 22, 1945, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States) came to prominence in late 1965 as an American guitarist with the Chicago rock band The Shadows of Knight. He later joined the psychedelic rock band H.P. Lovecraft on bass in the summer of 1967, appearing on their debut album, H. P. Lovecraft.
McGeorge began playing guitar in 1961. His early guitar influences included Scotty Moore, James Burton, Chet Atkins, Charlie Byrd, Les Paul, and the Brazilian Bossa Nova artist, Laurindo Almeida. The folk music revival of the early 1960s was also influential, but, like many young Americans at the time he became most heavily influenced by the first Beatles-led British Invasion. Particular favorites at the time were The Rolling Stones and the original Byrds.
McGeorge was quoted in the 1980s: "My parents were adamantly against my listening to rock & roll at home, so, from the time I was about eleven years old I'd sneak a small transistor radio and an earpiece under my pillow at night. I'd tune in radio as diverse as the nearby Chicago Jazz & R&B stations to WSM in Nashville and the "Grand Ole Opry". I've always felt that the negative pressure from my parents made me even more determined to love this music. Their over-protective upbringing was a complete failure: Within five years I was not only a touring rock musician, I was helping throw TV sets out of hotel windows."