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Jákup Pauli Gregoriussen

Jákup Pauli Gregoriussen
Born 24 April 1932
Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
Nationality Faroese

Jákup Pauli Gregoriussen (born April 24, 1932 in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands) is the leading architect of the Faroe Islands. He is also a graphic artist and author of publications about the Faroese church.

Jákup Pauli was born in 1932 to the fashion designer Liffa Gregoriussen (née Arge) and the sailor Magnus Gregoriussen. He was educated at the architectural school of the Royal Danish Academy of Art in Copenhagen.

Among his best-known buildings are the Listasavn Føroya (1970) and its extension to become the National Art Museum in 1993. As a graphic artist, he designed stamps for the Postverk Føroya and illustrated books. His main themes are views of towns and villages, not only in the Faroes but also from his travels, including, amongst others, Russia, Poland, Rome, and Egypt.

In 1998, he was awarded the Faroese Literature Prize (M. A. Jacobsens Heiðursløn) for his four volume work about the Faroese churches (1995–1999). It is his bibliophilic masterpiece, luxuriously illustrated and informative about the Faroese churches and the history of the Faroe Islands from a regional point of view. Gregoriussen is an important advisor on the restoration of Faroese churches.

The stamps he drew for the Postverk Føroya are representative of Gregoriussen's graphical artwork.

For the books where Gregoriussen was not the author, but only contributed the illustrations, the name of the author is given.

