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Italian Somalia

Italian Somalia
Somalia Italiana
Dhulka Talyaaniga ee Soomaaliya
الصومال الإيطالي
Italian colony
Flag Coat of arms
Italian Somaliland
Capital Mogadishu
Languages Italian (official)
Religion Catholicism
Political structure Colony
 •  1889–1900 Umberto I
 •  1939–1946 Victor Emmanuel III
 •  1889–1893 1896–1897 Vincenzo Filonardi
 •  1940–1941 Carlo De Simone
Historical era New Imperialism
 •  Established 1889
 •  Disestablished 1936
 •  Italian East Africa 1936-41
Currency Italian Lira
Somali Rupia
Somali Lira
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Sultanate of Hobyo
Majeerteen Sultanate
Geledi sultanate
Italian East Africa
Today part of  Somalia

Italian Somaliland (Italian: Somalia italiana, Arabic: الصومال الإيطالي‎‎ Al-Sumal Al-Italiy, Somali: Dhulka Talyaaniga ee Soomaaliya), also known as Italian Somalia, was a colony of the Kingdom of Italy in present-day northeastern, central and southern Somalia. Ruled in the 19th century by the Somali Majeerteen Sultanate and the Sultanate of Hobyo, the territory was later acquired in the 1880s by Italy through various treaties.

In 1936, the region was integrated into Italian East Africa as part of the Italian Empire. This would last until 1941, during World War II. Italian Somaliland then came under British military administration until 1949, when it became a United Nations trusteeship, the Trust Territory of Somaliland under Italian administration. On July 1, 1960, the Trust Territory of Somaliland united as scheduled with the former British Somaliland protectorate to form the Somali Republic.

The late 19th century had a huge impact on developments occurring in the Horn of Africa. The European powers (Italy, Great Britain and France) first gained a foothold in Somalia through the signing of various pacts and agreements with the Somali Sultans that then controlled the region, such as Yusuf Ali Kenadid, Boqor Osman Mahamuud and Mohamoud Ali Shire.

