The International Growth Centre (IGC) is a research centre based at the London School of Economics and Political Science in partnership with the University of Oxford. The IGC was launched in December 2008 and is funded by the Department for International Development.
The IGC is led by Professor Jonathan Leape, Executive Director, and Directors Professor Robin Burgess and Professor Sir Paul Collier. The IGC Steering Group, which also includes Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago),Timothy Besley, and Anthony Venables provides strategic direction.
The IGC runs 15 country offices in 14 partner states and directs a global network of over 1,000 researchers. IGC research is based around four research themes: state, firms, cities, and energy. These research programmes are led by 10 Research Programme Directors. Since its foundation the IGC has supported over 650 research projects.
The IGC has also responded to specific government requests for advice in countries such as Malawi, Afghanistan, and Sri Lanka.
IGC country programmes are led by Country Directors working with dedicated Lead Academics, supported by locally based Country Economists. IGC country programme teams are based in the offices of think tanks or government bodies within the relevant country.
IGC researchers include Esther Duflo, Nicholas Bloom, Rachel Glennerster, Lant Pritchett, John Van Reenen (economist), Nicholas Stern,Dean Karlan, Edward Miguel, and Maurice Obstfeld.