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Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate
Becher Kakao mit Sahnehäubchen.JPG
A cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and cocoa powder
Type Hot Cocoa
Country of origin Central America
Color Brown or chestnut
Flavor Chocolate
Ingredients Chocolate or cocoa powder, milk or water, sugar
Hot chocolate
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy 322.168 kJ (77.000 kcal)
10.74 g
Sugars 9.66 g
Dietary fiber 1 g
2.34 g
Saturated 1.431 g
Trans 0.078 g
Monounsaturated 0.677 g
Polyunsaturated 0.084 g
3.52 g
Vitamin A equiv.
51 μg
Vitamin A 176 IU
Thiamine (B1)
0.039 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.182 mg
Niacin (B3)
0.133 mg
Vitamin B6
0.04 mg
Folate (B9)
5 μg
Vitamin B12
0.49 μg
Vitamin C
0.2 mg
Vitamin D
1.1 μg
Vitamin D
45 IU
Vitamin E
0.03 mg
Vitamin K
0.2 μg
114 mg
0.42 mg
23 mg
105 mg
197 mg
44 mg
0.63 mg
Other constituents
Water 82.45 g
Caffeine 2 mg
Cholesterol 8 mg
Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults.
Source: https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list?qlookup=01105

Hot chocolate, also known as hot cocoa, drinking chocolate or just cocoa is a heated beverage consisting of shaved chocolate, melted chocolate or cocoa powder, heated milk or water, and often sugar. Hot chocolate made with melted chocolate is sometimes called drinking chocolate, characterized by less sweetness and a thicker consistency.

The first chocolate beverage is believed to have been created by the Aztecs around 2,000 years ago, and a cocoa beverage was an essential part of Aztec culture by 1400 AD. The beverage became popular in Europe after being introduced from Mexico in the New World and has undergone multiple changes since then. Until the 19th century, hot chocolate was even used medicinally to treat ailments such as liver and stomach diseases. Today, hot chocolate is consumed throughout the world and comes in multiple variations, including the spiced chocolate para mesa of Latin America, the very thick cioccolata densa served in Italy and chocolate a la taza served in Spain, and the thinner hot cocoa consumed in the United States. In 2012 Andrew 'Freddie' Flintoff broke the world record for the fastest time to drink a hot chocolate (5.45 seconds)

An early Classic period (460-480 AD) Mayan tomb from the site of Rio Azul, Guatemala, had vessels with the Maya glyph for cacao on them with residue of a chocolate drink.

To make the chocolate drink, which was served cold, the Maya ground cocoa seeds into a paste and mixed it with water, cornmeal, chili peppers, and other ingredients. They then poured the drink back and forth from a cup to a pot until a thick foam developed. Chocolate was available to Maya of all social classes, although the wealthy drank chocolate from elaborately decorated vessels.

What the Spaniards then called "chocolatl" was said to be a beverage consisting of a chocolate base flavored with vanilla and other spices that was served cold.

Because sugar was yet to come to the Americas,xocolatl was said to be an acquired taste. The drink tasted spicy and bitter as opposed to sweetened modern hot chocolate. As to when xocolatl was first served hot, sources conflict on when and by whom. However, Jose de Acosta, a Spanish Jesuit missionary who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, described xocolatl as:

