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Global Day of Action for Burma

Global Day of Action for Burma was an initiative by Burma Campaign UK and The Support The Monks Protest In Burma group on Facebook.com who called, during the 2007 Burmese anti-government protests, for October 6, 2007 to be designated a "Global Day of Action for Burma" beginning at 12:00 noon. This event was held in 30 countries and nearly 100 cities including: Sydney (Australia), Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver (Canada), New York City and San Diego (United States), Hong Kong and Norway.

Spurred by the global outcry as a result of the military crackdown on the peaceful protesters all over Burma, a number of independent groups, social service organisations and individuals had gotten together to support the Burmese populace. The concept for the day was developed by a coalition of Burma groups including - Burma Campaign UK, US Campaign for Burma, Amnesty International, Avaaz.org and many, many more.

Much of the coordination for the protests was done through Facebook.com, where a group called Support the Monk's Protest in Burma (now called Burma Global Action Network was later formed), working closely with Burma Campaign UK and Amnesty International, had steadily grown to over 440,000 members in a matter of weeks. It was and a hotbed of protest related news and as a flashpoint for Burma related activity on the Internet.

