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Gallery of named graphs

Some of the finite structures considered in graph theory have names, sometimes inspired by the graph's topology, and sometimes after their discoverer. A famous example is the Petersen graph, a concrete graph on 10 vertices that appears as a minimal example or counterexample in many different contexts.

Balaban 10-cage

Balaban 11-cage

Bidiakis cube

Brinkmann graph

Bull graph

Butterfly graph

Chvátal graph

Diamond graph

Dürer graph

Ellingham–Horton 54-graph

Ellingham–Horton 78-graph

Errera graph

Franklin graph

Frucht graph

Goldner–Harary graph

Grötzsch graph

Harries graph

Harries–Wong graph

Herschel graph

Hoffman graph

Holt graph

Horton graph

Kittell graph

Markström graph

McGee graph

