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Eparchy of Dabar

Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosna
Митрополија Дабробосанска
Territory Central region of Bosnia and Hercegovina
Headquarters Sarajevo
Denomination Eastern Orthodox
Sui iuris church Serbian Orthodox Church
Patriarchate of Peć (Serbia)
Established 1219
Language Church Slavonic
Current leadership
Bishop Hrizostom Jević
Map of Eparchies of Serbian Orthodox Church (including Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric)-en.svg

The Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosnia (Serbian: Митрополија дабробосанска / Mitropolija dabrobosanska) is a metropolis of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Bosnia and Herzegovina, seated in Sarajevo. Since 2017, Metropolitan of Dabar and Bosnia is Hrizostom Jević.

The medieval Eparchy of Dabar (Serbian: Дабарска епархија / Dabarska eparhija) was founded in 1219 by first Serbian Archbishop Saint Sava. The seat of bishops of Dabar was in the Banja Monastery near Priboj. Eparchy of Dabar had jurisdiction over the region of lower Lim and middle Drina on the borders with medieval Bosnia.

In 1557, Serbian Patriarchate of Peć was restored and the Eparchy of Dabar and Bosnia was returned to its jurisdiction, with its bishops of holding the honorary title of metropolitan. In 1766, when the autocephalous Serbian Patriarchate of Peć was abolished, Eparchy of Dabar-Bosnia and all other Serbian eparchies under Ottoman rule came under the jurisdiction of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Bishop of Dabar-Bosnia kept his honorary title of Metropolitan, as was also the custom in the Ecumenical Patriarchate. The seat of metropolitan was in Sarajevo.

Since 1878, territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina was under the occupation of Austria-Hungary, but under the Convention of 1880 all Eastern Orthodox eparchies remained under ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. At the end of the First World War in 1918, all Eastern Orthodox bishops in Bosnia and Herzegovina reached a unanimous decision to join with other Serbian ecclesiastical provinces into united Serbian Orthodox Church. The process of unification was completed in 1920 and since then Eparchy of Dabar-Bosnia remains part of the united Serbian Orthodox Church.

