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Emil Grunzweig

Emil Grunzweig (Hebrew: אמיל גרינצווייג‎‎) (December 1, 1947 – February 10, 1983) was an Israeli teacher and peace activist affiliated with the Peace Now movement. He became an icon of the Israeli left after he was killed by a grenade thrown at a peace rally in Jerusalem in 1983. In 1987, a nonprofit educational organization in Jerusalem was established in his name, called the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in Memory of Emil Greenzweig.

Emil Grunzweig was born in Cluj in Transylvania, Romania, to Olga and Shmuel Grunzweig. His mother was a survivor of the Nazi extermination camp Auschwitz. The family lived in France and Brazil for a time. After Shmuel Grunzweig died in France in 1963, Olga Grunzweig and her two sons, Emil and Eliezer, immigrated to Israel. In Israel, the family settled in Haifa, where Emil attended the Hebrew Reali High School. After graduation, he was conscripted into the Israel Defense Forces, and joined a Nahal unit based on Kibbutz Revivim in the Negev. As a paratrooper in the IDF, he fought in the Six-Day War. He served as a reserve officer in the War of Attrition, the Yom Kippur War, and the 1982 Lebanon War

After his discharge from the army, he settled at Revivim, where he worked in the orchards. He studied mathematics and philosophy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He taught mathematics and coordinated social activities at Maaleh haBesor high school at kibbutz Magen. He was involved in many educational projects including role-playing games with the students on issues such as the Arab–Israeli conflict, labor relations, and the relationship between religious cults and the state.

