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Day of Al'Akbar

Day of Al'Akbar
Code I9
TSR Product Code 9178
Rules required AD&D (1st Edition)
Character levels 8 - 10
Campaign setting Generic Arabic
Authors Allen Hammack
First published 1986
Linked modules
I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7, I8, I9, I10, I11, I12, I13, I14

Day of Al'Akbar is a Dungeons & Dragons adventure module written by Allen Hammack and published by TSR inc. in 1986. The module consists of a forty page booklet with a large color map and an outer folder. It bears the Dungeons & Dragons code I9, I meaning intermediate and 9 for module 9.

The Day of Al'Akbar is an adventure scenario set in a once peaceful desert land reminiscent of the Arabian Nights. The module contains two distinct settings, Khaibar City and the Sultan's palace.

Khaibar city, is ruled by the bandit leader Al'Farzikh, and was once ruled by Al'Akbar, a former sultan. The people are at risk from a red plague, and the player characters are set on a quest to retrieve the magical artifacts that will save them. The scenario involves player characters searching the sewers under the city of Khaibar for an entrance to the tomb of Al'Akbar, which contains the Cup and Talisman that they need.

The players' choices determine whether the search will involve wilderness encounters, dungeon crawling in a sewer, tomb robbing, or detective work in a desert town. The final confrontation takes place in the Sultan's palace.

Day of Al'Akbar was published by TSR inc. in 1986 as a 40-page booklet with a large color map and an outer folder. The game module was written and designed by Allen Hammack. Jeff Easley produced the cover art. The city map of Khaibar is A1 size.

The game module was developed by Bruce A. Heard and the adventure was illustrated by Mark Nelson. The map was drawn by Diane and David C. Sutherland III. Typesetting was done by Betty Elmore. The module was edited by Kerry Martin. The module was distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. and in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd. The module's product number was 9178.

